Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013


Ramadhan senentar lagi yukkk belajar agama lebih mendalam dan pelajari amalan yang dapat mendatangkan pahala di bulan suci  penuh berkah dan maghfirah

Sungguh termasuk diantara keutamaan dan nikmat Alloh yang sangat besar kepada para hambanya adalah mempersiapkan kepada mereka musim dan waktu yang penuh dengan keutamaan, agar menjadi ladang menuai pahala bagi orang-orang yang taat dan medan bagi orang yang ingin berlomba-lomba kebaikan. Bulan ramadhan adalah bulan yang penuh barokah, penuh dengan keutamaan yang banyak, Alloh berfirman:
شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِّنَ الْهُدَىٰ وَالْفُرْقَانِ ۚ فَمَن شَهِدَ مِنكُمُ الشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ ۖ وَمَن كَانَ مَرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَىٰ سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ ۗيُرِيدُ اللَّـهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَ وَلِتُكْمِلُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَلِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّـهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَاكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ ﴿١٨٥﴾
Bulan Ramadhan, bulan yang di dalamnya diturunkan (permulaan) al-Qur’an sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeda (antara yang hak dan yang bathil). ( 185).
Niat puasa
Niat tempatnya di dalam hati, bukan melafadzkannya dengan lisan semisal ucapan yang sering kita dengar Nawaitu Shouma Ghodin Fardhon Lillahi Ta’ala. Bahkan mengucapkan niat dalam ibadah, baik ketika berwudhu, shalat, atau puasa adalah menyelisihi syariat atau kita katakan bid’ah.
Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Qosim al-Maliki berkata: “Niat termasuk pekerjaan hati, maka mengeraskannya adalah bid’ah”
Saudaraku… hiasilah bulan yang penuh berkah ini dengan membaca al-Qur’an. Ramadhan adalah bulan diturunkannya al-Qur’an. Perbanyaklah membaca, mentadabburi dan memahami isinya pada bulan ini. Rasulullah sebagai teladan kita beliau selalu mengecek bacaan al-Qur’annya pada malaikat jibril pada bulan ini.[160] Cukuplah keutamaan membaca dan mempelajari al-Qur’an sebuah hadits yang berbunyi:
عَنْ عَبْدِ اللهِ بْنِ مَسْعُوْدٍ يَقُوْلُ : قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ: مَنْ قَرَأَ حَرْفًا مِنْ كِتَابِ اللهِ فَلَهُ بِهِ حَسَنَةٌ وَالْحَسَنَةُ بِعَشْرِ أَمْثَالِهَا لاَ أَقُوْلُ آلمَ حَرْفٌ وَلَكِنْ أَلِفٌ حَرْفٌ وَلاَمٌ حَرْفٌ وَمِيْمٌ حَرْفٌ
Dari Abdullah bin Mas’ud bahwasanya rasulullah bersabda: “Barangsiapa yang membaca satu huruf al-Qur’an, maka baginya satu kebaikan, setiap satu kebaikan dilipat gandakan hingga sepuluh kebaikan. Aku tidak mengatakan Aliif Laam Miim satu huruf, akan tetapi Aliif satu huruf, Laam satu huruf dan Miim satu huruf


Shalat tarawih

Perbanyak shodaqoh
Semoga bermanfaat dijalankan dengan hati yang ikhlas semoga kita mendapat pahala menuju kemenangan dengan hati bersih suci




Gaun muslim saat ini sudah memiliki berbagai macam model. Beragam pilihan yang bisa Anda kenakan ketika pergi ke pesta seperti maxi dress yang di padukan dengan cardigan borkat yang cantik, atau gamis dari bahan sifon yang lembut. Tidak ketinggalan model etnik yang di padukan dengan songket pun bisa menjadi pilihan anda ketika akan menghadiri pesta. Selain mengenakan gaun pesta muslim anda juga dapat mengkreasikan model jilbab seperti model jilbab paris untuk ke pesta atau pashmina metalik untuk ke pesta.
 untuk kaum muslimah muda yang selalu up to date dan menyukai fashion sangat cocok.
Nuansa merah muda yang didominasi pasta terlihat anggun


Nuansa putih tulang kombinasi emas terkesan mewah

Gaun pesta warna putih yang menggambarakan kesucian nan angggun


There are plenty of diet plans out there offering different meal choices and words of advice. But, when it comes to losing weight the healthy way, it’s best to get back to basics and understand the 5 keys for effective weight loss meal plans.

1. Calorie Counting
To start your diet plans of right, understand how many calories you need to cut back each week in order to lose weight. The safest way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. 1 pound is roughly 3,500 calories a week or 500 calories a day. It’s important to remember that you should never cut back to less than 1,200 calories without medical supervision.
2. Meal Planning
Plan all of your meals for the week in advance. If you can, it’s best to plan everything out a week ahead of time so that you won’t be tempted to stray when at the grocery store. Plus, you’ll have all the foods you need for your healthy meals available, so there is no room for excuses.
Make sure to follow up and keep a journal of everything you eat. Write down what you ate, when you ate it and the portion size. A food journal will not only help you to keep track of what you eat, but will also help to keep you honest. Use Fitday's online journal to track your daily calorie intake.
3. Smaller Meals, More Often
Try to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Aim for eating every 2-3 hours throughout the day (that’s about 4-5 smaller meals per day) to boost metabolism. You’ll feel fuller and your body won’t store more calories as fat because you are constantly providing it with the energy it needs.
4. Healthy Balance of Foods
Make sure to enjoy a balance of a wide variety of healthy foods. Incorporate foods that will provide you with the carbohydrates, proteins and fats that your body needs to perform its daily functions. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends the following daily intake allowances:
  • 2 cups of fruit
  • 2 cups of vegetables
  • 3 or more ounces of whole grains
  • 3 cups of low fat or fat free milk products
Eat a variety of the above mentioned foods in order to obtain the different nutrients and vitamins that these foods have to offer in order to keep you healthy and on track with your weight loss goals.

5. Foods to Avoid
Always read the nutrition labels in order to fully understand what you are eating. Avoid foods that are high in fat, especially saturated and trans fats, and calories. The USDA suggests that no more than 10 percent of your fat intake should come from saturated or trans fats. Cut back on foods that contain added sugar and salt and try not to consume more than one to two alcoholic drinks per week.
Remember that the healthiest way to lose weight is over an extended period of time. Don’t think of it as a diet, but lifestyle change and you’ll be able to not only lose the weight, but to keep it off, for good.

This source from:


Effectiveness of Using Song on Teaching Learning Vocabulary for Kindergarten Students

University of Nusantara PGRI KEDIRI

English is one of the foreign languages for Indonesian students, which must be
Learnt in school since kindergarten level until University level. Therefore, English as a language in international communication is clearly needed by many learners to deliver thought and interact in a variety of situation. The purpose of this paper discusses theorical study to know the effectiveness of using song on teaching learning vocabulary for kindergarten student. The main discussion are song, kinds of vocabularies, kindergarten students and also the advantages using song on teaching learning vocabulary for kindergarten students .The results of this paper discussed is to know the theoretical study the effectiveness using song on teaching learning vocabulary for kindergarten student. The good ways to improve kindergarten students in mastery vocabulary.

Keyword: song, vocabulary, kindergarten

Globalization can be defined as “the acceleration of interaction and assimilation among countries with a number of sequences either good or bad related to economic, political, culture aspect and so on “ (Harwati,2011.p.1)  As globalization spreads, mastering English as an international language seems to be an advantages. This language can be used to break cultural and language barriers among people from all background.
The purpose of this paper discusses theorical study to know the effectiveness of using song on teaching learning vocabulary for kindergarten student. The main discussion are song, kinds of vocabularies, kindergarten students and also the advantages using song on teaching learning vocabulary for kindergarten students The atmosphere in teaching and learning situation getting more active by using song media.

A song is basically words put to rhythm. Learning to sing a song is quite easy for children if the ending words rhyme, if there is a strong rhythm or beat, and if there are few words to remember. In our previous research, we found that children appeared to learn new words more easily and remember the words for longer periods of time when jingles were used to teach reading words that rhymed.
(Brand (2007) concluded that there is theoretical and physiological support for the inclusion of music in the teaching of spoken English. Not only are language and musical processing located in the same area of the brain, but neurologists (Maess & Koelsh, 2001) have discovered that both musical and linguistic syntax are similarly processed. Music and language are, of course, two dramatically different forms of communication. However as Ayotte (2004) observed, both music and language share the “same auditory, perceptive, and cognitive mechanisms that impose a structure on auditory information received by the senses” (p. 10).
. In our previous research, we found that children appeared to learn new words more easily and remember the words for longer periods of time when jingles were used to teach reading words that rhymed (Walton, Bowden, Kurtz, & Angus, 2002; Walton, Walton, & Felton,2001; Walton & Walton, 2002).
In a study involving younger learners of English, Hazel-Obarow
76 (2004) examined both the short-term and long-term effects of music on vocabulary acquisition using a pretest-posttest-delayed-posttest experimental design.
The use of music and how music can connect to the previous discussed theories, developmental and information processing and brain research, to enhance language development in young children and engage them in developing their vocabularies, is the focus of this section. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences cites music as the first intelligence to emerge in young learners (Gardner, 1993). Many young children appear to be naturally inclined to hum or to sing a tune so it is beneficial to build upon their musical interests and enhance their literacy development simultaneously.

Song and Language Learning
Music can transform classrooms into pleasant and positive learning environments in which children thrive emotionally, socially, and academically. There are several reasons that songs, particularly pop songs, might be helpful for second-language learners. First, according to Murphey’s (1992) analysis, 75popular songs use language commonly associated with the level of 11-year-old native English speakers. So the comparatively simple vocabulary is appropriate for students learning English. Also, song lyrics are presented within a repetitive structure and song vocabulary usually contains common, short words with numerous pronouns. Repeating the song and activity a few times supports the word meaning and adds to understanding (Medina, 2002). Music can also improve listening and oral language skill development, improve attention and memory, and enhance abstract thinking. In the kindergarten setting, music’s engaging nature encourages children to attend during reading activities, invites them to be active listeners, and promotes comprehension and dialogue.

According to Thornbury (2002:16)., words are organized in the human mind in what is called the mental lexicon, which means that the vocabulary is stored in "highly organized and interconnected fashion “He believes that "knowing a word involves knowing its form, and its meaning As well as "knowing the words commonly associated with it (its collocations) as well as its connotations, including its register and its cultural accretions“ (2002:15). Both Harmer and Thornbury distinguish between receptive and productive knowledge. Hopefully, music could help students fulfill one these recommendations since the words used in songs are remembered, along with the melody of the song, throughout a lifetime.

When using songs to teach vocabulary of a foreign language, the pattern of
learning is the same. It also starts with the listening and ends with fluent
communication. However, many students are not comfortable speaking in a foreign language. Stan sell claims that “language students that lack familiarity with a target culture and have trouble expressing themselves can connect through the freeing influence of music. The fact that song lyrics cover vast themes and topics means that the vocabulary that students are exposed to is immense. One student of Spanish revealed at Language Learner Adviser web site that using music to learn another language

The important of Music
Holzknech (1969:404) assumes that poets such as Homer and Hein must have been drawing from their own experience when they celebrated the power of music and that their listeners would not have believed them or would have laughed at them if the power of music had not been a general experience.
Music as such has always been important, especially to most young people. It has always brought them together. They love to share their music with one another. Students of the three groups that the songs were piloted with love to talk about their favorite artists. Talking about their favorite artists is a part of their everyday communication. Music is connected to many areas of their lives.
Woodall and Zeimbroski (2002) agree that music plays an important role
in language and literacy development. Strong social bonds are encouraged through music and songs beginning in pre-school. Toddlers can begin to experiment with grammatical rules and various rhyming patterns in songs. A child’s initial introduction to patterned text often occurs first in songs, chants, and rhymes, which are repeated throughout childhood. When songs, chants, and rhymes are utilized, concepts about print become more meaningful and conventions of print are learned in context. (Palmer & Kelly 539).” Use of music is recommended by them for better understanding of language because “when songs and words match in stress and accent, the learner can experience gains in comprehension of word stress, attention span, anticipation of new text, and memory.
To create a stimulating environment for learning, the classroom can be decorated with attractive and eye-catching posters, student work, and learning centers. Ways that teachers can increase vocabulary development include: using picture books and song books, placing new words on a designated word wall with an illustration, introducing a word of the week, posting words from classroom stories and songs on charts, and setting up a listening center for children to hear a story again after reading the book in both large and small groups. Children will be
developing literacy skills without even realizing it as they sing and move around having fun in a relaxed, stimulating environment.

The Psychological Effect of Music
Music has its effect not just on people, but also animals and even plants.
Robertson claims that "music with a ‘beat’ can stimulate your body; music with
powerful melodies and harmonies performed with feeling can make you weep or cry out with joy; and music like the fugues of Bach and Mozart can be mentally invigorating." Film makers are very aware of the power of music.
Holzknech (1969:407).  also admits that music may have the opposite effect, describing a story of a friend of his who was unable to continue with her scientific work because her neighbor kept playing music that made it impossible for her to concentrate or ignore it Although, the above-mentioned disadvantage may not be valid in the case of teaching vocabulary through songs since in the case of a student working on her scientific work, music served as a distraction and not as a means of learning the subject.

The advantages using song on teaching vocabulary
·         Demonstrate the link between the kinesthetic, pictorial representations of the concepts of the songs.
·         It is possible to acquire vocabulary.
·         The sound of new words is easily remembered along with the melody of the song and by listening to the song, students are exposed to the new words many times.
Definition of Vocabulary
 Humans can communicate with others through verbal language, either to apply or to receive the information the animal cannot do. Vocabulary plays an important role because it appears in every language skills. Vocabulary building is really important in any language learning. In some literature, we found the meaning of vocabulary. There are some definitions of vocabulary.
According to Harimurti Kridalaksana, “Vocabulary is a component of language that maintains all of information about
meaning and using word in language”.
There are some experts who give definition of vocabulary Hatch and Brown define vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set of word that individual speakers of language might use. Vocabulary development is a critical aspect of preschoolers' learning experiences, given
the important role that it plays in learning to read. Language, specifically vocabulary development, plays a critical role in early literacy development. However, recent findings from evaluations of numerous preschool programs designed to increase children's language and literacy skills have shown limited impacts on children's language outcomes (Wasik, 2010).

From the definition above, that vocabulary is a component of language and
numbers of words by a person class, profession, etc. In the communication and every aspects of life such as in trade, education, business, social, politic, etc. 
Best practices in developing vocabulary in young children include accessing prior
knowledge, building upon ideas that are familiar, and creating new experiences for understanding. Lessons in which children are participating and actively involved help to reinforce what is being taught. Students singing and acting out targeted unknown vocabulary words become engaged in their learning and can remember definitions and word meanings. This study will focus in teaching learning process vocabulary by using song especially in noun and verb.

Types of Vocabulary
1.      Type of vocabulary according Jo Ann Aeborsold and Mary Lee Field Classified Vocabulary into two terms
a.       Active Vocabulary refers to items the learner can use appropriately in speaking or writing and it is also called as productive vocabulary, although, in fact, it is more difficult to put into practice. It means that to use the productive vocabulary, the students are supposed to know how to pronounce it well, they must know and be able to use grammar of the language target, they are also hoped to familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the words. This type is often used in speaking and writing skill.
b.      Passive Vocabulary refers to a language items that can be recognizes and understood in the context of reading or listening and also called as receptive Vocabulary. Passive Vocabulary or comprehension consists of the words comprehended by the people, when they read and listen

The use of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is important in case it could helps the students to enjoy their
classes. One who masters enough vocabulary will find fewer difficulties than those who have fewer vocabularies. When they read a certain text, they will easily get the information from it since they can understand every word in the text. On the others hand, those who lack of vocabulary will face a lot of problems. Mastery of vocabulary will be useful for the process of achieving language- teaching objectives. That is the mastery of language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing).
we want to communicate with others in certain language, we must master
the language they belong to especially to know enough vocabulary of those language. Yang Zhihong who say that .Words are the basic unit of language from supports it. Without vocabulary, one cannot communicate to effectively or express idea. He also states that having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier.

Kindergarten Students
Kindergarten is an educational program- serving child ages four through six. The educational program Kindergarten shares the common objective of helping the young childs social, emotional, and academic development. The letter includes the use of language, the development of an initial understanding of mathematics, beginning of learning in the social sciences and aesthetic appreciation (Jefferson to Latin The Encyclopedia Americana, 1996 Vol.16, p.444,). In another definition, Kindergarten is the next level of education after playgroup before the children enter elementary school. The program helps the children in entering their first formal education.
The kindergarten students., no matter what their cultural and experiential
background, have characteristics in common with other children of their ages and characteristics that are particularly their own. According Zukifli (2001) Children develop socially and emotionally during the kindergarten year. The development of socio- emotional between the children and their peers. The children can show considerable empathy toward people and animals when their own needs do not conflict with the needs of others.
Physical activity is one common characteristic of kindergarten children,
although children vary a great deal in development of physical skill abilities. Most kindergarten students are full of energy, active in following all activities such as run, swing, climb, jump, etc. That is very useful to the development of their body. All of the physical activities are related to the motorist of the children include of three elements, such as muscles, nerves and brain. These elements relate each other in positive interaction that each of them support, complete, and related each other in achieving the perfect motorist condition. The children intellectual development is reflected in the rapid growth of vocabulary and the power to express ideas. They are developing visual and auditory memory and the ability to listen to others. In one of the educational book says that the cognitive development increase rapidly, to the children curiosity in learning from their surrounding environment.

Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language teaching learning and the students must continually learn new words as they learn structure and as they practice sound system, but most of the students are not interested and motivated at all. The main discussion are song, kinds of vocabularies, kindergarten students and also the advantages using song on teaching learning vocabulary for kindergarten students.
The theoretical part was to analyze music, which was important because it connected language learning and music together, the psychological effects of music, current scientific findings on using music for language teaching and of course, the general process of learning and memory playing the key part in learning vocabulary. All the information was presented in order to support the potential positive effects that the method of using songs to teach English should have. The knowledge gained is applied below in the practical part.

Kridalaksana Harimurti.Kamus Linguistik, edisi ke-3.1993.Jakarta;PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, p.127
Jefferson to Latin, The Encyclopedia Americana,(Danbury, Connecticut: Grollier
Inorporated),1996 Vol.16, p.444
Hibanana S. Rahman, Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini.2002.Jakarta: PGTKI p.35

Go Green to save OUR EARTH

As globalization makes the world become smaller, it becomes increasingly easy to see how the lives of people (and plants and animals and ecosystems) everywhere are closely synced up with one another. So toys made in China can affect the quality of life in Europe, pesticides used in Argentina can affect the health of people in the U.S., and greenhouse gas emissions from Australia can affect a diminishing rainforest in Brazil.
The truth is that everything single thing we do every day has an impact on the planet -- good or bad. The good news is that as an individual you have the power to control most of your choices and, therefore, the impact you create: from where you live to what you buy, eat, and use to light your home to where and how you vacation, to how you shop or vote, you can have global impact. For example, did you know that 25 percent of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from flora that come from the Amazon rainforest? And that less that one percent of these tropical trees and plants have been tested by scientists? These numbers suggest that we all have a large (and growing) personal stake in the health and vitality of places far and near. In addition to protecting biodiversity (and inspiring medicine), rainforests are also excellent carbon sink. Bottom line:

 It benefits everyone on the planet to help keep our wild spaces alive and growing.
But embracing a greener lifestyle isn't just about helping to preserve equatorial rain forests, it can also mean improving your health, padding your bank account, and, ultimately, improving your overall quality of life. All that and you can save furry animals too.

more detail from  :


Ini tips cara efektif untuk belajar sepaking english.

10 tips for speaking in English

Manek, an engineering graduate from Bhopal, said that the following practices helped him when he was learning English:
1.     The first thing I would do after getting up every morning was read the newspaper, front to back. It doesn’t matter which newspaper you subscribe to, as long as it is a major English-language paper, such as The Hindu, The Times of India, Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, etc.  While different people have different opinions on the quality of each paper, they are all more or less equally useful in getting to learn the language. It is also not necessary to read every page and article; it is time-consuming and, sometimes, boring. However, you should most definitely look for articles that interest you.
2.     I bought a pocket dictionary. They are cheap, compact and useful. There were many words I came across on a day-to-day basis that I did not know, and carrying a pocket dictionary everywhere allowed me to look up these words immediately so that the matter would not slip off my mind later.
3.     Once learned, I also made a conscious effort to use the words in conversation. This instilled the words in my head and I was able to draw on them whenever required.
4.     I convinced some of my friends to come together and form something of a ‘study group’; we were all interested in learning English, and I figured it would make it easier and more fun for us to do it together. We met twice a week in the evening and discussed the words and phrases we had come across, suggested articles, magazines, and books to each other, etc.
5.     Another thing my group of friends and I kept in mind was the importance of talking only in English, whenever possible. During our weekly meetings, not a word of Hindi (the only other language any of us spoke) was uttered. This sort of commitment is absolutely necessary if you want to develop fluency.
6.     A couple of weeks into my learning experience, a friend talked about the issue of language of thoughts during one of our meetings. This, too, is an interesting aspect of one’s linguistic foundations: what language do you think in? I realised that I thought in Hindi, and thus whenever I spoke in English, I was, in a way, translating in my head. This made the entire process slower and more laborious. So I decided to start making a conscious effort to think in English. When I spoke in Hindi, I was often trying to figure out beforehand what the phrase would be in English before I said it. This takes some getting used to, but soon you will find it becoming  a second nature; the phrases will come faster and easier then.
7.     I made it a point to pick up at least one English book a month. I cannot stress the importance of this enough; books introduce you to the possibilities of the language, expose you to the various ways in which words can be manipulated and played around with. Your vocabulary of words, phrases, colloquialisms, etc. will increase sharply this way. Also, reading develops thinking, i.e., as you read, you automatically begin to think more in the language that your reading material is written in.
8.     Every night I would watch an English news channel (NDTV, Headlines Today, CNN-IBN, etc.) for at least half an hour. The news anchors and reporters generally speak very crisp and proper English. It is also useful to watch English TV shows.
9.     My friends and I would rent the DVD of an English movie every week, and watch it with the subtitles on. This way, you can always make out what the actors are saying, and the context of the movie helps you understand what unfamiliar phrases might mean.
10.  I developed the habit of paying close attention whenever I was within listening distance of a conversation in English. This may seem like eavesdropping, but when someone is speaking loud enough in public for others to hear him or her, it is unlikely that anything very personal is being discussed. At least, I defended my practice with that rationale, because it helped me pick up common phrases on a daily basis

Data Source ; file:///G:/IT%20ONLINE/BAHAN%20BLOG/10-tips-for-speaking-english.htm

Everything About Adobe Audition CS 5.5

Girls do you want to know about Adobe Audition from what is the advantages, how to install until how to operate this software. it file is my own create for Final Test of IT FOR TEACHING SUBJECT. For more detail Let's Read and Learn

Adobe Audition - sebuah alat profesional untuk bekerja dengan file audio, ditujukan untuk para profesional di bidang produk audio dan video. Adobe Audition menawarkan kesempatan tak terbatas untuk pencampuran, mengedit, membuat salinan master dan pengolahan efek suara. Produk ini menggabungkan fleksibilitas dari proses dengan kesederhanaan sepenuhnya digunakan dan memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat berbagai produk audio dengan kualitas terbaik.
Peningkatan dukungan untuk berbagai format audio - Bekerja dengan file audio dalam semua format populer (termasuk WAV, AIFF, MP3, MP3Pro, dan WMA).
Adobe Audition bisa di katakan software terbaik untuk saat ini dalam hal pengolahan suara (multitrack digital audio recording, editor dan mixer).
Apabila anda berminat, silahkan langsung ke situs resminya Adobe Atau pada links dibawah ini.

Manfaat Software Adobe Audition
Fungsi Adobe Audition dan beberapa fasilitas penting, antara lain :
  • Tracking file audio berfungsi untuk menerjemahkan sinyal audio dalam bentuk track grafis.
  • Efect audio berfungsi untuk menambahkan berbagai efect audio sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
  • Memotong, menambah, memperkecil, melebarkan timing pada file audi.
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  • Mengkombinasikan track audio.
  • Mixing Track Audio (Mengkombinasikan Track Audio)
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  • Changes and Adds Effect Audio (Merubah dan menambah effect audio)
·         Suara yang dihasilkan sama dengan aslinya
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Kekurangan Adobe Audition
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Proses Instalasi Software Adobe Audition
Cara aktivasi adobe Audition CS 5 :
  1. Instal "Audition_4_LS7.exe"
  1. Ketika proses instalasi, pilih trial aja.
  2. Selesai instal, jangan langsung jalankan audition tapi kita crack dahulu.
  3. Klik kanan (run as administrator) file "Disable_activation_by_dll.cmd" yang ada di folder crack-complet

Kita mulai saja dengan mengenal Interface Au CS5.5.
Inilah tampilan dari Adobe Audition CS5.5

Cara Setting, Merekam, Mixing, Mengisi Efek dengan Adobe Audition CS5.5

Pertama : Setting terlebih dahulu  sound di control panel komputer kita atau kalau driver soundcard terlihat anda juga bisa setting disana.
  1. Buka sound control panel kemudian klik tab Recording.
  2. Klik Line In.
  3. Buka Property
  4. Lantas klik tab Advanced
  5. Set seperti ini : 2 chanel, 16 bit, 44100 Hz, ( CD Quality )
  6. Terakhir klik Apply.
Bila Sound Driver kita Realtek

  1. Buka tab Line In
  2. Setting format sama seperti diatas : 16 bits, 44100 Hz, ( CD Quality )
  3. Kemudian kita tutup dengan OK.
Catatan : Sinkronisasi sample rate dan bit depth audio sangat penting sebab kalau kita tidak mensetting terlebih dahulu, Adobe Audition tidak akan bisa digunakan. Dan OS yang saya gunakan adalah Windows 7.

Kedua : Setelah audio control panel di setting sekarang kemudian buka Adobe Audition, kemudian klik Waveform atau Multitrack

Setting pada Adobe Audition

  1. Silahkan klik Waveform bila anda menginginkan satu track saja untuk recording.
  2. Pilih Multitrack apabila anda akan melakukan recording lebih dari satu, kemudian kita bisa langsung melakukan editing dan mixing saat itu juga.
Ketiga : Sekarang mencoba menggunakan Waveform dan ketika waveform di eksekusi maka akan muncul pop up New Audio File. Mohon diperhatikan Sample Rate serta Bit Depth, karena harus sama dengan settingan audio control panel. Setelah sinkron anda tinggal klik OK.

Pop Up Setting

  1. Ingat sample rate harus sama dengan audio control panel
  2. Bit depth juga harus sama dengan audio control panel
  3. Klik OK bila semuanya sudah tersinkronisasi.
Keempat : Memasukan audio melalui Line In, entah sumbernya dari Laptop, Tape, Portable MP3 atau yang lainya.

1.    Klik  lingkaran ini saat anda siap merekam
2.    Klik ini saat anda selesai merekam.
Kemudian klik File pada pojok kiri atas, lalu Save As : Simpan dalam format Wave atau MP3
Pada sesi edit waveform

  • Seleksi terlebih dahulu area yang ingin kita gandakan (bisa keseluruhan, sebagian, atau satu chanel saja), klik tombol  yang terdapat pada tools bar, klik sebuah area untuk meletakkan (bisa pada file tersebut atau pada file yang lain) kemudian klik tombol .
  • Untuk menggandakan gambar file suara dengan nama file baru, seleksi terlebih dahulu, klik kanan pada area seleksi kemudian pilih Copy to new.
Memberi nama pada track
Agar kita tidak bingung dalam mengolah file pada sesi multitrack, ada baiknya kita memberi nama pada setiap track yang sedang kita pergunakan. Caranya klik pada tulisan track "n", tulis nama yang anda inginkan.

Memotong suara pada sesi edit waveform
Untuk meniadakan suara namun panjang waktu masih tetap untuh, seleksi terlebih dahulu, klik kanan kemudian pilih slince 
Untuk memotong suara sekaligus waktu, seleksi terlebih dahulu, kemudian tekan tombol delete pada keyboard.

Untuk memindah suara pada posisi yang lain atau file yang lain, seleksi terlebih dahulu,klik tombol pada menu bar, letakkan kursor pada tempat yang anda inginkan untuk meletakkan suara kemudian klik
Catatan: seperti yang telah dijelaskan pada bab sebelumnya, bahwasanya pengeditan yang dilakukan pada sesi edit waveform akan berdampak pada file induk yang berada pada organizer window. Namun, selagi kita belum menutup dan menyimpan file tersebut pada windows explorer, kita masih bisa mengembalikan file tersebut pada keadaan semula dengan cara mengklik tombol yang terdapat pada tools bar dan utuk kembali lagi pada seolahan kita lagi, klik

Memotong suara pada sesi multi track
Seleksi terlebih dahulu (baik area maupun gambar) klik kanan, pilih salah satu pilihan-pilihan berikut!
Split : ketika anda memilih ini, maka gambar yang anda pilih akan dipisah sesuai lebar area seleksi.
Cut/delete(keyboard) : ketika anda memilih ini, maka gambar yang anda pilih akan terhapus seluas area seleksi dan sisa gamabar lainnya akan terpisah.
Adjust bordiers : ketika anda memilih ini, maka gambar yang anda pilih akan disisakan seluas area seleksi. Pilihan ini juga dapat mengembalikan gambar yang telah terhapus ketika penyeleksian kita melebihi luas gambar, namun batas maksimalnya adalah luas file induknya

Save audio files.
A.    In the Waveform Editor, do one of the following:
To save changes in the current file, choose File > Save.
To save changes under a different filename, choose File > Save As. Or choose File > Export > File to keep the current file open.
To save currently selected audio as a new file, choose File > Save Selection As.
To save all open files in their current formats, choose File > Save All.
Use the Save Selection As command to break up a long recording into smaller, more manageable files.
B.     Specify a filename and location, and choose a file format.
C.     Set the following options:
Save multitrack sessions
A multitrack session file is a small, non-audio file. It merely stores information about locations of related audio files on your hard drive, the duration of each audio file within the session, the envelopes and effects applied to various tracks, and so forth. You can reopen a saved session file later to make further changes to the mix.
A.    In the Multitrack Editor, do one of the following:
To save changes to the current session file, choose File > Save
To save changes under a different filename, choose File > Save As. Or choose File > Export > Session to keep the current session open.
To save the session file and all the audio files it contains, choose File > Save All .
B.     Specify a filename and location.
C.     To include audio markers and information from the Metadata panel, select Include Markers And Other Metadata.